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News — IVPT

Immersion/Enhancer Cells vs Franz Cells

Posted by Pam Bialiy on

Immersion/Enhancer Cells vs Franz Cells

The following article has been authored by John Heaney.   While Immersion/Enhancer Cells and Vertical Diffusion/Franz cells are both used to test semi-solid dosage forms; the capabilities of each apparatus are important to understand before deciding which is best for your lab.  Testing of semi-solid dosage forms is broadly categorized into In-Vitro Permeation Testing (IVPT), and In-Vitro Release Testing (IVRT).  The types of testing serve very different purposes and have different requirements. IVPT is primarily used to simulate how a semi-solid dosage form will behave in-vivo or when a patient makes use of it.  This typically uses bio-relevant media and has...

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